
penis envy mushrooms

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Buy penis envy magic mushrooms online | penis envy mushroom review

  Penis Envy is one of the most rare and sought after Psilocybe Cubensis amongst hardcore psychonauts buy penis envy mushrooms. Its name describes it’s physical form; thick shaft and a bulbous head that doesn’t quite spread wide open. Many magic mushroom enthusiasts swear by the penis envy as the strongest of its species, providing an intense euphoria, and incredibly powerful visuals. Although research into psilocybin mushrooms is ongoing, and we don’t know everything about them yet, a leading hypothesis is that penis envy mushrooms carry a higher concentration of psychotropic alkaloids, and a higher psilocin : psilocybin ratio. You won’t regret buying Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms!

How to order  penis envy mushrooms

Everything about the Penis Envy magic mushroom is distinctive – from its peculiar name, its distinctive shape and appearance, to the legendarily powerful trip that it is capable of providing. Many people credit the penis envy shroom as being the most potent of all psilocybe cubensis varieties, although there is a lack of clinical research available to confirm whether that is truly the case. Many magic mushroom enthusiasts swear by the penis envy as the strongest of its species, providing an intense euphoria, and incredibly powerful visuals. Although research into psilocybin mushrooms is ongoing, and we don’t know everything about them yet, a leading hypothesis is that penis envy mushrooms carry a higher concentration of psychotropic alkaloids, and a higher psilocin : psilocybin ratio. The origin story of the penis envy mushroom is every bit as interesting as its appearance and effects. The story has been recounted in fragments in many places online, and we’ve compiled those legends here to try and provide an accurate picture of how the mushroom came to be as widely popular as it is now.

Penis Envy Appearance and Characteristics

  Penis Envy is one of the most rare and sought after Psilocybe Cubensis amongst hardcore psychonauts. Its name describes it’s physical form; thick shaft and a bulbous head that doesn’t quite spread wide open. The Penis Envy strain of magic mushrooms are known to be one of the strongest and hard hitting. This strain grows very slow but the yields are large fruits, and mycologists suggest that its slow growth results in more time for psilocybin production. Expect deep shamanic experiences, vision quests and an intense mystical experience with penis mushroom. Not recommended for first time users. This strain is special and expect a trans-formative experience.

Is penis envy mushrooms legal?

So, after reading that full story you may still be wondering, “why is it called ‘penis envy?’” It’s a funny name, to be sure. The short answer is… because it looks like a penis. A big one… of which some people might be jealous… hence, “penis envy.” Visually, the mushroom has a large and extremely dense stem that is typically white in colour, and its signature bulbous and undeveloped cap that is much rounder and more “button-like” in appearance than most other members of the cubensis family. Furthermore, there is no velum or veil separating the cap and the stem. They bruise blue like other cubensi, and that bruising is indicative of higher psilocybin content.

Penis Envy Psychoactive Effects | penis envy shrooms

The psychoactive effects of the penis envy mushroom are similar to others of the cubensis family, but ramified. The wavy visuals are augmented by a deep and intense feeling of euphoria. After 10-30 minutes of consuming Penis Envy mushrooms you will feel your mood enhanced with euphoria and excitement. Depending on dosage you will experience mild to intense visual enhancements. Things may seem like they are breathing, the nature around you will feel more alive and you will find yourself in introspective thought. Music and art will look and feel different and you will have a higher appreciation and you may relate the music or art to yourself on a more personal level. The most common museum dose (0.5-1.5g) and moderate dose (2-3.5g) should provide you with a 3-6 hour trip. Please read our FAQ section for more details.

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The world around you seems more beautiful and enchanting – every sight and sound a delicate symphony of harmonic beauty. In this state, one can experience the most profound levels of introspection, and your inner dialogue becomes deeply philosophical. You feel and undeniable sense of spiritual connection, and oneness with the universe. The Penis Envy is unlike any other magic mushroom, and its effects can be both incredibly intense and life-changing. Although there has been no conclusive scientific study, it is believed by many leading mycologists that the cause of the Penis Envy’s incredible high is a higher ratio of psilocin : psilocybin content. Although psilocybin is the more popularly known of the two sister compounds – but the relationship between the two with respect to how they interact with the human body is interesting. It is in fact psilocin and not psilocybin that bind 5-HT2A receptor found in the orbitofrontal cortex of the human brain, mimicking the effects of the body’s naturally produced serotonin. Psilocybin, when processed by the body’s liver is then converted into psilocin through the process of dephosphorylation. Penis envy is known to produce a strong, and well-balanced high. Expect to experience time dilation, visual hallucinations, trails, fractal surfing, etc. The mood of the high is characterized by a rather light euphoria. For a beginner, we recommend a dosage of around 1.5-2 grams to get your feet wet. If you’re a little more experienced and want to experience the full high, a 3.5-5 gram dosage should blast you away. As always, please use caution, and don’t ever mix with other drugs or alcohol.
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Brilliant educator mushrooms are one of the numerous strains of psilocybe cubensis. P. cubensis has increased a great deal of enthusiasm starting late, particularly after Denver, Colorado and Oakland, CA chose to decriminalize the use of these mushrooms.
Numerous people and groups were glad about the decriminalization of psilocybe cubensis, particularly the individuals who have been focusing on the logical information originating from ponders that show gainful outcomes including psilocybin-containing mushrooms and a huge swath of psychological wellness issues, including wretchedness and uneasiness buy golden teacher mushrooms. Today we are investigating a portion of these examinations and the suggestions they may have for the medicinal services network. Inhabitants in the urban communities of Oakland, CA and Denver, CO, which have decriminalized psilocybin-containing mushrooms as of late, might be further along the line than different regions with respect to the fate of social insurance including brilliant instructor mushrooms, or any of different strains of psilocybe cubensis.

What Are Penis Envy Mushrooms, And Are They Legal?

Penis envy mushrooms are a famous type of psilocybin-containing mushroom. They are a variety of the commonly used Psilocybe cubensis mushroom. Penis Envy can be rare to find due to the difficulty in cultivating them. You won’t encounter them as often as other kinds of magic mushrooms, but they are certainly worth knowing about. They are unique among Psilocybe cubensis, for example, for their high potency, which attracts many people to them. In this article, we will describe the various aspects of penis envy mushrooms, including the following:
  • Appearance (so you can identify them)
  • Potency
  • History
  • Effects
  • Legal status

What This Type Of Magic Mushroom Looks Like

As their name suggests, penis envy mushrooms have a phallic shape. They look very much like a penis. They have a thick and wrinkly stem and are larger than many other types of psilocybin mushrooms. Penis envy mushrooms have a bulbous cap that only sometimes opens up and separates from the very dense stem. In terms of color, they usually range from a light tan to a darker brown, with variations amongst the different types — Penis Envy has been around a long time, and there are now variations of the original variety. As is typical with psilocybin-containing mushrooms, blue bruising on the stem can be an indication of high psilocybin content. They are also identifiable by their underdeveloped cap and the absence of a veil separating the cap and stem. Penis envy mushrooms are one of the densest types of magic mushrooms. They may be shorter in height and smaller overall than some other species, but they are still relatively heavy mushrooms, owing to their density.

Varieties of Penis Envy Mushrooms

There are different varieties of these mushrooms, and they have distinctive physical characteristics.
  • The Albino Penis Envy variety has a milky white coloration, and its caps are sometimes tinged with dark blue. Albino Penis Envy mushrooms tend to be smaller than penis envy mushrooms on average.
  • Penis Envy Uncut mushrooms are distinctive in that their caps do not open at all, not even during the later stages of the mushroom’s maturation.
  • Trans Envy mushrooms look similar to a Transkei magic mushroom, with medium-thickness yellow-white stems (these are thicker than Transkei mushrooms but not as thick as penis envy mushrooms). They have the distinctive pallid cap coloration that penis envy mushrooms are known to possess.

The Potency Of Penis Envy Mushrooms

Penis envy mushrooms are consistently more potent than mostother Psilocybe cubensis varieties. Many users find that penis envy mushrooms offer a more intense, visual, and euphoric experience than Psilocybe cubensis varieties. It is theorized that their stronger effect is due to both a higher concentration of psilocybin and psilocin, and a higher ratio of psilocin to psilocybin (Psilocybin is the pro-drug of psilocybin — psilocybin is converted to psilocin in the body, the latter crosses the blood brain barrier and is responsible for the psychedelic effects). However, there are no easily accessible test results to confirm the precise potency of these mushrooms. It has been claimed that penis envy mushrooms contain up to 50 percent higher levels of psilocybin/psilocin than Psilocybe cubensis. Regardless of your shrooms dosage, it is important to have an understanding of how long it takes for shrooms to kick in.

Understanding The Potency Of Magic Mushrooms

Let’s take a look at the psilocybin/psilocin content of different species of magic mushrooms to get a sense of how relatively potent penis envy mushrooms are (it is important to note that the following percentages are by dry weight of the mushrooms):
  • Psilocybe subaeruginosa (contains up to 1.93 percent psilocybin and 0.17 percent psilocin)
  • P. azurescens (1.78 percent psilocybin and 0.38 percent psilocin)
  • P. bohemica (1.34 percent psilocybin and 0.11 percent psilocin)
  • P. semilanceata (0.98 percent psilocybin and 0.02 percent psilocin)
  • P. baeocystis (0.85 percent psilocybin and 0.59 percent psilocin)
  • Psilocybe cyanescens (0.85 percent psilocybin and 0.36 percent psilocin)
  • P. tampanensis (0.68 percent psilocybin and 0.32 percent psilocin)
  • P. cubensis (0.63 percent psilocybin and 0.60 percent psilocin)
  • P. weilii (0.61 percent psilocibn and 0.27 percent psilocin)
  • P. hoogshagenii (0.60 percent psilocybin and 0.10 percent psilocin)
  • P. stuntzii (0.36 percent psilocybin and 0.12 percent psilocin)
  • P. cyanofibrillosa (0.21 percent psilocybin and 0.04 percent psilocin)

How Potency Differs

If we assume that penis envy mushrooms contain 50 percent more psilocybin and psilocin than Psilocybe cubensis, then they would contain nearly 1 percent psilocybin and 0.90 percent psilocin. Psilocybe azurescens would have a higher level of psilocybin than penis envy but not more psilocin. Psilocin degrades very quickly, so as dried mushrooms age the amount of psilocin quickly drops; Psilocybin is more stable but it too degrades in time. Psilocybe azurescens and Psilocybe subaeruginosa are known to be the most potent. Nonetheless, we can say that penis envy are among the most potent types of psilocybin mushrooms. Due to their potency, it is recommended to take much less than regular Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. The recommended dose for most Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms is between 1.0 and 1.5 grams per 100 pounds of body weight. If taking penis envy mushrooms, reduce this dose by at least 30 percent.

The History Of Penis Envy Mushrooms

There is no clear evidence on exactly where the penis envy mushroom came from. But legend has it that this strain originated from a very large and healthy Psilocybe cubensis mushroom found in the Amazon rainforest by the psychonaut and lecturer Terence McKenna. When McKenna was in the Amazon in the early 1970s, magic mushrooms were illegal in most countries due to the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances. However, this legislation did not prohibit mushroom spores since they do not contain psilocybin or psilocin, the active compounds in magic mushrooms. McKenna took spore prints from the mushroom he found and boarded a flight back to the U.S.

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Back home in Colorado, he soon began cultivating mushrooms from these prints. McKenna also sent prints from the exceptional Amazonian specimen to his ethnomycology colleagues. One such colleague was Steven Pollock, a medical doctor who was passionate about the healing potential of psychedelic mushrooms. Pollock set about propagating and refining the culture, strengthening its genetic profile until one day a mutation occurred. The mutation resulted in the penis envy mushroom, with its noticeable physical characteristics outlined above. Along with mushroom enthusiast Michael Forbes, Pollock set up a company called Hidden Creek, which sold live cultures and mushroom growing kits. They also sold rare strains of mushrooms, with spores being sent worldwide.

The Side Effects Of Penis Envy Mushrooms

As with any other type of psychedelic mushroom, penis envy mushrooms can produce a range of physical, perceptual, emotional, psychological, and spiritual effects. These effects include the below.
  • Enhancement of colors
  • Morphing of objects
  • Auditory distortions
  • Intense feelings of euphoria and joy
  • Deep introspection
  • Philosophical thoughts
  • Distortion of space and time
  • Synesthesia (i.e., “hearing colors”, “seeing sounds”)
  • Mystical states like feeling connected to the universe

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Nonetheless, users will report that these mushrooms have some unique psychoactive effects. People report that the effects of penis envy mushrooms are similar to most other Psilocybe cubensis varieties, with added intensity due to their higher potency. You may also find more “wavy” visual hallucinations with this variety. This contrasts with strains like Mazatepec or Hualta, which can have visual hallucinations that are more geometric in nature.

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The higher ratio of psilocin to psilocybin will also make the onset of the experience occur sooner and more intensely. This is because psilocin is already bioavailable, quickly crossing the blood-brain barrier. The body does not have to metabolize as much psilocybin into psilocin. People also commonly report that their experience involves less “body load” and makes it more likely for you to feel light, euphoric, and energetic. You may find that this variety offers a “clean” mushroom high. Penis envy mushrooms, like all other psilocybin-containing mushrooms, are illegal in most countries. In the U.S., they are a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Under the eyes of the law, this means they have no recognized medical value and a high potential for abuse. Of course, research into psilocybin and a wealth of anecdotal reports seem to suggest otherwise.

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However, magic mushroom spores are legal to possess in most states of the U.S., except in California, Idaho, and Georgia. Therefore, if you are a U.S. citizen and don’t live in these three states, you can legally buy and own penis envy mushroom spores. But as soon as you cultivate these mushrooms, you will be engaging in an illegal act under federal law. When the spores begin to germinate, they can form mycelium and then mature mushrooms, which contain the illegal compound psilocybin.

Psilocybin Is Decriminalized In Some U.S. States

It should be noted that psilocybin has been decriminalized (but not legalized) in Denver, Colorado; Oakland and Santa Cruz, California; Washington D.C.; and Somerville and Cambridge, Massachusetts. You won’t face any legal penalties if you are found in possession of any kind of psilocybin mushrooms in these states. “Oregon is the first state to introduce decriminalization of psilocybin and regulation of psilocybin-assisted therapy through the passing of Measure 109. It will be interesting to follow the Oregon roll-out of licensing and regulation of the provision of psilocybin services and whether new states follow suit in introducing similar initiatives”, said Ruth Chun, lawyer, and director of Entheon Biomedical Corp. Magic mushrooms like the penis envy variety are fully legal in the following countries.
  • The Bahamas
  • Brazil
  • Jamaica
  • Nepal
  • Samoa
You can legally sell, cultivate, transport, and possess psilocybin mushrooms in these countries. In the Netherlands, “magic truffles“, which contain psilocybin, are legal. But you cannot find the penis envy variety in the form of truffles.

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The legal landscape surrounding psilocybin is continually changing in North America. Soon, it may be possible to legally buy, cultivate, and possess all kinds of magic mushrooms, including the much-desired penis envy variety.

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1 review for penis envy mushrooms

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