Are Psychedelics mushrooms Legal in Mexico? Mexico’s laws are tough to navigate and understand, and if you don’t speak Spanish, it will be a near-impossible task.
In addition, many different sanctions overlap, and the internet is filled with outdated information.
So, if you’re feeling lost, you’ve come to the right place — we’ve collected everything you need to know about current drug laws in Mexico. We’ll also cover the legal status of magic mushroom spores, psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, and which species of magic mushrooms can be found in Mexico.
Summary of Psychedelic Drug Laws in Mexico
- Psychedelics are mostly illegal in Mexico, with a few exceptions
- Mexico is heading towards decriminalization of all substances
- Recreational and private use of cannabis has been recently legalized
- There isn’t any pending legislation surrounding psychedelic substances in Mexico
Mexico’s Maximum Allowable Amount for Personal Use
Substance | Maximum Dose for Personal and Immediate Consumption |
Opium | 2 g |
Diacetylmorphine or Heroin | 50 mg |
Cannabis | 5 g |
Cocaine | 500 mg |
LSD | 0.015 mg |
MDA | 40 mg |
MDMA | 40 mg |
Methamphetamine | 40 mg |
- Decree amending, adding and repealing various provisions of the General Health Law, the Federal Criminal Code and the Federal Code of Criminal Procedures
- Federal Criminal Code
- Possession For Personal Use Not Prosecuted Criminally | Drug Policy Facts Mexico Criminal Penalties | – CountryReports
Are Magic Mushrooms Legal in Mexico?
Magic mushrooms are illegal in Mexico, but this may change soon, and there are already a few exceptions.
Article 245 of the General Health Law states that all psychedelic mushrooms are illegal in Mexico. This bill even specifies certain species, including Psilocybe mexicana.
If you get caught with psychedelic mushrooms, it can cost between four and seven years in prison and a hefty fine.
However, there is one big exception to this law. Article 195 bis of the Federal Penal Code specifies that authorities can’t prosecute you if the shrooms were used for the purposes of traditional spiritual practices or ceremonies. Magic mushrooms have a rich history of use among indigenous Mexicans for the purposes of spiritual growth, healing, and divination.
If you’re wondering about cultivating your own mushrooms, we advise caution. Although it’s not explicitly prohibited, the law bans anything related to producing controlled drugs. It’s very likely the judge tasked with determining your sentence will consider magic mushroom cultivation illegal.
Related: Where are Magic Mushrooms Legal?
Do Magic Mushrooms Grow Wild in Mexico?
Yes, there are a lot of magic mushroom species native to Mexico. Most of these species have been used traditionally in Mexico.
You’re most likely to find magic mushrooms in places with a higher humidity. Mushrooms need decaying matter to feed, so you’ll find them most easily in wooded forests, ranchlands, or around parks and gardens that use manure or wood chips as fertilizer.
Here are three of the most common magic mushrooms found in Mexico:
1. buy Psilocybe aztecorum in Mexico.
This prevalent species grows in high mountains and pine forests. Native people of Mexico used them for important ceremonies, and they referred to them as “little children.” Its psilocybin content is probably higher than usual, so beware if you want a gentler trip.
2. buy Psilocybe caerulescens in Mexico.
Caerulescens shrooms grow in dead soil after landslides, but they are present all over the Sierra Madre Mountains. Because many shamans offer guidance with this species, they may fit under ritualistic purposes under the law.
3. Buy Psilocybe mexicana in Mexico.
Psilocybe mexicana is one of the more prevalent shroom species in Mexico. Commonly called “pajaritos,” they usually grow in elevated areas with lots of dung and decaying matter. Although they are smaller than most mushrooms, they’re highly potent.
Also see: Where Do Shrooms Grow? How to Find Magic Mushrooms in the Wild.
What Are the Medicinal Uses of Shrooms?
Shrooms have been under study for decades now — and it’s certainly paid off. Psilocybin has shown promise in treating a variety of mental health disorders, and more studies are coming out every year.
A) Shrooms For Anxiety
Psilocybin has been shown to alleviate a few different kinds of anxiety. This is backed by decades worth of anecdotal evidence and ongoing research since the 60s.
Studies have shown the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, psilocybin, may provide a significant reduction in anxiety levels lasting 6 months or more from just one or two sessions.
Psilocybin is currently being used as a treatment for existential anxiety in terminally ill patients in Canada.
B) Shrooms For Depression
Research has discovered clear antidepressant effects from magic mushrooms. This effect has been noted to remain for more than 6 months following the treatment session.
Psilocybin has already proven more effective than any antidepressant drug developed to date — however, research is still underway, and more trials are needed to understand its limitations.
Many experts believe psilocybin is going to completely reshape the way we view the pathology underpinning depression.
Research points to both microdosing and psychoactive doses as being effective against depression. However, there aren’t many studies that talk about the long-term effects of these treatments.
Related: Can Psilocybin Treat Depression?
C) Shrooms For PTSD
Studies have shown psilocybin offers long-term relief from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
New psilocybin-assisted therapy protocols are currently in development and are likely to be approved for treatment in Mexico in the coming years.
Psilocybin and other serotonergic psychedelics like LSD and mescaline are believed to help by loosening up defense mechanisms during therapy, reducing cognitive rigidity and rumination, and further enhancing the trust relationship between the therapist and patient.
D) Shrooms For Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches are characterized by intense, long-lasting migraines that frequently appear throughout the day. Surprisingly, shrooms have been found to be an effective treatment in preventing them. Some cluster-headache sufferers even reported a recession in their condition after taking psilocybin.
Further Reading: How Shrooms May Prevent Cluster Headaches.
E) Shrooms for Addiction
Psychedelics such as magic mushrooms are currently being used to help people recover from drug addiction. Compounds like psilocybin are thought to deactivate cravings and help the patient heal underlying trauma fuelling the addictive tendencies.
Is LSD Legal in Mexico?
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is illegal in Mexico, but authorities will not prosecute it under a certain threshold.
According to Article 245 of the General Health Law, LSD and all analogs are banned in Mexico. However, the 2009 Ley de Narcomenudeo states that possessing less than 15 mcg (0.015 mg) of LSD is permitted.
An average tab of LSD contains around 150 mcg (0.15 mg) — this means that the permitted threshold only allows microdose amounts. If police find more than 15 mcg on you, it may cost you between four to seven years in prison.
This law doesn’t make a ton of sense. It’s very difficult to assess the quantity of LSD, especially in such small amounts. Cops that find a tab of acid are not going to be able to test the sample to see if you’re above or below the legal threshold.
Additionally, LSD is completely non-toxic. The lethal dose has not yet been found, even after administering rats doses as much as 150 times the conventional dose.
Is MDMA Legal in Mexico?
Possession of more than 50–200 mg of MDMA is illegal in Mexico.
Like LSD, Article 245 establishes that MDMA, the primary compound in ecstasy, is prohibited. However, authorities will tolerate possessing up to 50 mg in powder form and 200 mg pills. Most medium-charge tablets contain less than 200 mg.
If police find you possess MDMA over these limits, the penalty will be up to seven years in prison. If you’re wondering, analogs and similar substances, like MDA, are also prohibited in Mexico.
Is Ketamine Legal in Mexico?
Ketamine is legal in Mexico for medicinal use only.
Unless expressly authorized by a licensed doctor, possessing ketamine is illegal in Mexico.
Ketamine treatments rarely involve take-home doses of ketamine anyway. Treatments are administered in a registered clinic via IV ketamine. Once the effects of the drug wear off, patients are discharged and rebooked for another session 1–3 weeks later.
Ketamine clinics are already prevalent in larger cities in Mexico. It’s used for treating PTSD and depression.
Although this substance is relatively safe and has psychotherapeutic benefits, getting caught with it means you could spend up to seven years in prison. Plus, you’ll receive an expensive fine, which a judge will determine during the trial.
Is DMT Legal in Mexico?
All but one form of DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is illegal in Mexico. The exception is the venom of the Bufo alvarius toad — which contains high concentrations of 5-MeO-DMT.
Bufo toad venom is used by a variety of indigenous communities living in the Northern regions of Mexico where the toads live. The venom is smoked or vaped to produce profound but short-lived psychoactive effects.
Possession of synthetic or concentrated DMT can carry charges of four to seven years in prison.
If you’re wondering about extracting DMT yourself in Mexico, we strongly advise against it. Although it isn’t explicitly prohibited, the law bans anything related to producing controlled drugs and extracting DMT fits under this restriction.
Is Marijuana Legal in Mexico?
Marijuana is legal in Mexico.
On March 10, 2021, the Chamber of Deputies passed a bill legalizing recreational marijuana, which was expected to go before the Senate by April 30, 2021. After the April deadline, there was a 10-day period for the Senate to ask the Supreme Court of Mexico for a time extension.
However, some lawmakers decided to seek a special legislative session after the June elections before the deadline expired. On June 10, 2021, the Court voted to legalize adult use of marijuana in an 8-3 decision.
Delta 8, delta 9, and delta 10 THC are legal to use as long as you solicit a special permit on the official Government of Mexico website.
What’s The Difference Between Legalization & Decriminalization?
Although these terms sound similar, decriminalizing and legalizing a drug are two totally different concepts.
Decriminalizing a substance means canceling or significantly reducing the penalties surrounding its possession. This only applies to some drugs, like LSD or MDMA, under a specified amount in Mexico’s case. However, selling or producing it is still punishable with jail sentences, and possession of large amounts can carry hefty fines.
Decriminalization is used as a way to reduce the burden of non-violent crimes on the legal system and allows drug addicts to seek treatment and recovery rather than lengthy and unnecessary jail sentences.
On the other hand, legalization means altogether abolishing any penalties surrounding it. The government may still regulate the selling of legalized substances. For example, marijuana has been legalized, but there are still restrictions on the quantity users are allowed to buy and how companies are allowed to sell and manufacture it.
Legalization also carries multiple benefits, like higher purity levels and less drug-related violence.
Key Takeaways: What’s The Future of Psychedelics in Mexico?
Mexico is one of the few countries in Latin America that have decriminalized psychedelic drugs — at least to some extent. There’s still a long way to go here as the possession quantities don’t yet make a lot of sense.
We expect to see some significant changes to existing drug policy in Mexico, as well as the rest of Latin America in the coming years — starting with the introduction of MDMA and psilocybin-assisted therapies and an increase in possession limits for LSD, MDMA, DMT, and other non-toxic psychedelics.
Are Psychedelics mushrooms Legal in Mexico?
Where to Buy Magic Mushroom Spores in Mexico
Many stores sell magic mushroom spores and grow kits in Mexico, both physical and online, as these are illegal according to the country’s law.
However, keep in mind that the cultivation of magic mushrooms is still considered prohibited